This wordmark was created to celebrate Paris, France which is the urban bee capital of the world and possibly the universe.
ClientSelf DirectedObjectiveTo create a wordmark that celebrates Paris as the urban bee capital of the world.My RoleIllustration
Communications Design,Illustration,Infographics
This infographic was designed to show the different foods people need to eat to get all their vitamins from whole food sources. It also shows how the body uses different vitamins throughout the body. Any excuse to create anatomical and plant drawing.
There are currently 686 species of endangered animals in Canada. How many can you name? This deck of cards will introduce you to a handful of them, and will come as a revelation to those who think that only gorillas and rhinoceroses are at risk of disappearing from Earth.
I created this project because I am interested in the environment, scientific systems (zoology, cartography, botany, etc) and education.
Communications Design,Illustration
Illustrating plants for Shoots & Roots Bitters is an ongoing project. These plants are used in the patterns, presentations, packaging and educational material that are used across their brand.
Communications Design,Branding
Scouts Canada needs to rebrand in order to: Focus its brand identity on challenging outdoor adventures that interest young active people. Make scouting appealing to the younger Canadian generation. Make it clear that they are an inclusive organization regardless of sex, spiritual believe or sexuality.
New Brands Message Scouts Canada offers all Canadian youth an opportunity to adventure in our vast wilderness, learn outdoors skills while building lasting friendships and confidence.
Key Words Exploration, Nature, Friendship.